Client Success!
Even the best leaders (like my client Victoria) get in their own way from time to time! It's hard to know what your most important work is when you're in in the midst of responsibility overload. That's where coaching comes in. Are you a leader who's ready for Clarity + Mindset Shift + Action Planning and even better Results? Schedule a quick chat to see if we're a fit to help you achieve more with less stress!
Counting Your 2022 Wins
If you're like most leaders we coach, you're already planning what you'd like to accomplish in 2023. BUT...before you dive into your new goals, consider all you've made happen in 2022. Give yourself permission to acknowledge your successes, both large and small. Attached is a surprisingly simple and powerful tool to Count Your Wins. Coaching clients tell us they gain greater clarity at the end of each year through this simple exercise. If you use it, we'd love to hear what you discover about yourself and your 2022.
Want to Grow as a Leader? Take a Vacation.
Taking time away from work is good for you AND the business.
25 Questions to Supercharge Your Mentoring Meetings
Supercharge your mentoring relationships with this curated slate of 25 thoughtful leadership questions.
Powerful Coaching Questions for People Leaders
Try these simple coaching questions to inspire your team while releasing the pressure for you to always be the expert.
5 Ways Coaching Uplevels Leaders
Leaders - like you - are gaining new ways of thinking, behaving, and influencing with the support of a professional leadership coach.
One Year from Now… An 8-Minute Visioning Exercise
This 8-minute exercise is all about you designing a vision that is exciting, purposeful, and fulfilling. And, it's complete in only eight minutes!
10 Simple Hacks to Becoming an #InspiringMentor
I think it's fair to say that we could all use a little inspiration as 2020 comes to a close! And if you're lucky enough to mentor others (formally or informally), your mentee(s) may be looking to you for that nudge of inspiration. Try using these simple hacks to support your mentee going into the new year.
Success Comes in Small Steps
When you’re overwhelmed and stuck, it’s hard to see how small actions will lead to accomplishing lofty goals. That’s why I love this visual.