Why You Need 1:1 Meetings with Your Team

Feeling disconnected from a direct report? Unsure if your rock-star employee is still fully engaged in their role?
You’re not alone. Many leaders I coach have been there.
Good News. Holding regular 1:1 meetings with your employees (and conducting them well) is a secret sauce to propel connection and mitigate uncertainty as a leader.
Reminder: a 1:1 is a scheduled meeting between just you and an employee. It’s the most important meeting you have as a leader! It sends a clear signal to employees - you are important to me! It’s not focused on status updates or the employee’s work performance. Rather, ongoing 1:1s address the challenges, successes and development opportunities on your employee’s mind right now.
YOU need regular 1:1 meetings with your team to accelerate:
Alignment. As the leader, you’re the GPS. You help employees see the end destination. You guide them on the course to achieving that destination. Effective 1:1s give employees affirmation to know they’re on track. They’re making solid decisions, with the right efforts and are focused on the right things. If the employee is veering off, the 1:1 is a fantastic tool to recalculate and course correct.
Celebrating Wins. Starting 1:1s by discussing wins the employee has accomplished since you last met illuminates their successes! We often don’t take time to reflect on mini victories. This is your opportunity to be their cheerleader.
Getting Unstuck. Asking what support the employee needs from you to do their job is powerful! Solid 1:1s offer a safe way for employees to tell you where they are stumbling or are concerned. Plus, they’re a great way to identify a problem(s) before it becomes a fire you need to put out!
Identifying Top Priorities. A common challenge for many high achievers is competing priorities. Healthy 1:1s offer your employee an opportunity to share what’s going on and where they need your feedback most. This also helps you know what’s in front of them and better understand any conflicting priorities.
Richer Connection. Well executed 1:1s fuel great relationships! It’s intentional time to ask about their kids, pets, family members, etc. Most direct reports enjoy having time with you as a person. They appreciate knowing they have access to you, that you hear them and they matter to you.
Employee Growth. Best of all, stellar 1:1s allow you to grow team members! They help you understand where your employee wants to be challenged with professional development, stretch goals, new skills and even their career aspirations. Ultimately, 1:1s are an incredible way to fuel your organization’s talent pipeline.
BONUS: More Time & Joy! Leaders I coach with are often surprised how well things fall into place with ongoing, intentional, 1:1 meetings. When you dedicate the time to having solid 1:1s, it results in less impromptu meetings! You become a more intentional leader and work simply feels better!
Curious how you can have better 1:1s with your team? Contact Us to explore how upleveling your 1:1s can bring YOU more time and joy at work.