7 Mentoring Trustbuilders!

Trust is an invisible force that connects us! Rich conversations come about from trust AND are propelled further by trust.
If you’re lucky enough to have a mentor or to mentor others, you’ve probably discovered that mentoring partners have to work at maintaining trust. The relationship and solid communication depend on it. Plus, the potential for learning increases as trust is elevated. When trust is high, partners can more easily discuss issues, solve problems and engage in genuine dialog. This is where learning takes place!
Since our trustworthiness comes from behavior, not our intent, it’s critical to show behaviors that foster trust. Here are 7 ways you can demonstrate trust behaviors in a mentoring relationship.
- Continuously work to safeguard confidentiality.
- Be open to feedback. It’s truly a gift for both mentors and mentees. Ask your mentoring partner for feedback often. Be willing to accept positive and constructive comments with grace.
- Ask questions. Mentors, demonstrate trustworthiness by developing your ability to ask your mentee questions so they can come to their own conclusions.
- Show up fully present. Be prepared to be with your partner and nowhere else during your 1:1 meetings. Arrive to each clear headed without distractions.
- Check-in frequently about how your relationship is going! Discuss these 3 questions with your partner each quarter:
- What are we learning about ourselves? Our partnership? Each other?
- What’s going well in in our mentoring relationship that we’ll continue?
- What do we need to work on to improve our mentoring partnership?
- Touch base between meetings. Trust happens between meetings. Layer touchpoints via email, text, IM, etc. between your 1:1s. Mentees, touch base to let your mentor know how your development activities are taking shape. Be sure to include if/how you’ve applied any insight or suggestions your mentor gave you.
- Dial in your following through. Your relationship will either be strengthened by effective follow through or weakened by the lack of it. Do what you say you’ll do. Honor your commitments. Your partner will feel valued when you follow through. Plus, they’ll be more engaged in the relationship when they see you demonstrate a high level of engagement!
Looking for more insight on successful workplace mentoring? Schedule a quick chat with Legacy Talent Development.