3 Ways for Mentees to Level Up

If you’re lucky enough to have a mentor at work – congratulations! Your mentor is most likely highly invested in your relationship. As the mentee, you’re also dedicating time and energy to your partnership. Good mentees take responsibility for their development, schedule regular meetings with their mentor and come prepared for every mentor visit. But what separates good mentees from the #Rockstars? Below are three ways you can level up to be among the very best mentees.
1. Intentionally Update Your Mentor
Your mentor is committed to giving you their time, attention and resources. Even though they know your goals, they’re probably not aware of your development challenges, successes or progress outside of your mentoring visits.
Make an intentional effort to touch base with your mentor on these things regularly. Let them know when your development activities are successful or when they might feel lackluster. You can do this simply by sending them a quick email, IM or text.
Your mentor may offer you their advice occasionally. Let them know if you took the advice, what decision you made and what the outcome was. If you didn’t take their advice, explain why. This shows respect for your mentor. Plus, it creates an opportunity for them to learn from your experience! Mentors enjoy being a part of your development. Keeping them informed is a great way to demonstrate your follow-through!
2. Share Feedback with Your Mentor
Your mentor is learning and growing too! Sharing your thoughtful feedback is one of the most valuable things you can give them. Set expectations with your mentor early on for how (and if) they appreciate feedback most. Asking permission to give feedback prior to often opens space for your mentor to receive your thoughts.
You can also offer feedback in a follow-up email after a mentoring meeting. In your message, highlight the main ideas you took away from the discussion and express your gratitude. Once trust is established in your relationship, ask your mentor if it would it be helpful to include some details about what was most and least helpful about your conversation. If your mentor’s response is positive, try including short comments about the most and least beneficial parts of your meeting in your follow-up emails. Making this an ongoing habit helps your mentor become aware of how their approach is landing for you. With this knowledge, they can make adjustments to best support you in the future.
3. Express Your Sincere Gratitude
You probably feel immensely grateful for your mentor. They won’t understand their impact if you don’t share your feelings. Regularly expressing gratitude to your mentor will have a powerful effect. Mentors who receive gratitude are often encouraged to remain committed to you and your mentoring relationship. Plus, expressing your appreciation will feel incredible for you too!
One thoughtful way to show your mentor gratitude is through a handwritten note. It’s a novelty! We simply don’t receive many handwritten thank you cards. Plus, acknowledging your mentor in this way shows you personally care about them.
Another easy way to show your thanks is to give a small gift. Consider a little thing that connects to your relationship and/or is unique to your mentor. For example, you might give a book on a topic you discussed. Another example is asking what your mentor’s favorite snack or beverage is. When you want to express your thanks or simply support them through a busy season at work, surprise them with their favorite snack or drop their favorite beverage by their office. Regardless of how you show your gratitude, expressing thanks to your mentor will enhance your relationship and the mentoring experience.
These are three easy ways you can level up and set yourself apart as #Rockstar mentee! Best of luck in your mentoring journey ahead.